Jack Adee

Coder, Creator, Evil Genius

Look at the image in the background. Do you see a bunch of random stick figures facing in all different directions with a bunch of strange colors or do you see something more meaninful, more symbolic, something that states something powerful? If you answered with the former you are correct. If you answered with the latter, you are thinking way too hard. Either way, scroll to see some of my projects.


The Great Turtle Hiding Game

The Great Turtle Hiding Game is a game of wit and skill designed to engage students in a fun competition involving hiding turtles around the school. At certain time intervals hints are distributed to aide in the finding of the turtles. Whoevers turtle is the last to stand wins. Currently there have been 6 GTHG games over the course of 4 years, with a 7th scheduled to begin in Fall 22. All games are tracked on the site here


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WIT&SKILLDULE was created in August 21 as a way to easily view high school schedules. Throughout the 21-22 school year I added the ability to access homework from the Blackbaud MySchoolApp Portal and Google Classroom, along with the lunch menu and a list of upcoming Morning Exs(Assemblies). Later on, in the summer of 22, Skilldule Chats was launched which reads the schedule of the user and grants them access to class specific channels on the Discord server.


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Turtle map uses the same plastic turtles from GTHG. The goal is to get a picture of a turtle in as many places around the world as we can. Participating members can sumbit the photo along with location to a discord channel and then the image will be placed on the map.


Francis W Parker Student Government Website

FWPSG website was started after I was elected to be one of the 22-23 Computer Technology Committee Heads. Its main purpose is to centralize communications from the current government, committees and clubs. It also offers digital replacement to the proposal voting system which previously was based on the counting of hands. FWPSG will be used starting in the 22-23 school year.

FTC Robotics

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During the 21-22 FTC robotics seasion I coded for Team 9410. We had a working autonomous period from our first league meet and eventually won the Control Award for having the best auto in north of Chicago.

Desmos Art

Repo Coming Soon

Desmos Art recreates images in Desmos using Python, OpenCV, and the Desmos API. This was created as a loophole to a math project where I was supposed to recreate an image in Desmos, instead I made this which susbitiutes circles for pixels and creates a close to exact recreation. (BTW I somehow recieved full credit for this project.)